TRIP is a fundraising program in which you can purchase gift cards (online or via a paper order form) through Holland Christian Schools to shop at major food and retail stores. The stores sell us the gift cards at a discount. The school then sells the cards at face value to participants and credits their tuition account with the difference. The percentage of credit earned varies from store to store.
Anyone in the community can participate, including HC families, future HC families, grandparents, friends, etc., and designate their TRIP earnings to the account of a presently enrolled family, a future family, or to Holland Christian’s Tuition Grant Fund.
There is no cost to participate, but Holland Christian retains 20% of the credits to cover the operational expenses of the TRIP program.
The cards supplied by TRIP are the stores’ actual gift cards and are the same as cash; you can buy anything in the store that you would normally buy with cash, check, or credit card. A list of all the stores participating in the TRIP program are listed in another link below.
If you move to one of the other Lakeshore Area Christian Schools (Zeeland Christian, Grand Haven Christian, South Olive Christian), Holland Christian will transfer all TRIP credits to that school’s TRIP program.
Scroll down to learn how to participate in TRIP, as well as to find the necessary TRIP forms and participating store lists.