We practice patience and encouragement to learn from our mistakes and each other. As students grow in their knowledge of art, it is our hope they will take these experiences and share their art to bring joy, beauty, and truth to God’s world. We invite you to come and see, touch, play, sing, dance, listen, view, and appreciate with us!
The purpose of our Fine Arts Department is to glorify our Creator and celebrate our roles as His image bearers through creative expression and invention!
Band & Orchestra
God has placed us in a world with the raw materials of music–pitch, resonance and time–and has given each of us image bearers the ability to create music. We respond by praising God for this wonderful gift and by using music that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.
The vocal music program at Holland Christian engages students in a deeper understanding and appreciation of music through the development of the God-given instrument inside each of us: the voice. We were created to worship our Creator. Singing plays a central role in expressing praise and honor for what God has done for us through Jesus.
Holland Christian’s award-winning theatre program begins in middle school and builds throughout high school. The high school program features a full-scale musical, competion-based one-act play, spring play, forensics, and a 24-hour theatre program.
Visual & Media Arts
The process of creating is a wonderful thing to witness. It is not easily defined, neat and tidy, or predictable. But it is engaging, surprising, and alive. Creating is often filled with questions, uncertainty, and mystery…and sometimes we aren’t comfortable with this ambiguity. But beauty itself is mysterious, and mystery is certainly a part of wonder…and what could be more wondrous than God’s ever-changing world? Learn more about HCHS’s visual arts and how we learn ambiguity and beauty and creativity through them!
Community Support
We could not provide such a robust level of programming without our parent support groups. Our HC Music Boosters raises funds for instruments, equipment, uniforms, and scholarships. Or please consider joining our TAP (Theatre Arts Patrons) Board, a group dedicated to the promotion and well-being of the theatre and forensics programs at HC.
Have Questions?
We look forward to meeting you and your family and introducing you to the fresh, creative, personalized education at Holland Christian! We are here to help! Get in touch using the contact form linked below or call us at 616.820.2805.