Carlie Shults

Carlie Shults smiling at the camera

Carlie Shults

Secondary English & Health Teacher

I have been a teacher since 2009, after graduating from Calvin College following Holland Christian. Teaching here feels like coming home! I’ve had the distinct honor of teaching grades K-4 in public, charter, Christian, and international schools. I completed my master’s degree from Michigan State University in 2015. My husband Andy and I are the parents of two precious young sons and we live here in Holland. Together we enjoy exploring, creating, working on home projects, and reading innumerable books.

Over and over, I have borne witness to ways “Aslan is on the move” around the world. I find true joy in learning with students how to love God’s people in God’s world, as together we navigate serving in mercy and working for justice. I am deeply grateful to do this work in this community.