Deb Feenstra

Deb Feenstra
After 30+ years in education, it is a privilege to once again be part of the HC family! God blessed me with an amazing husband, 2 daughters, a son-in-law, and 3 grandchildren. Being grandparents is the greatest joy of life! Our younger daughter “graduated” from the ESS program at HC in 2008. We are forever grateful for the love and support she received from the HC family! We spent 6 years as RCA missionaries living alongside of and learning from our Mayan brothers and sisters in Christ in Chiapas, MX. What a gift! My prayer is that as I serve at Holland Christian, with God’s help, a true sense of Christian community is established where EACH student and staff member is equally valued, accepted, and celebrated for the person that God created them to be as they grow both spiritually and academically.