Stacey Hollebeek

Stacey Hollebeek
I originally graduated from Calvin College with a B.A. in English and Secondary Education, taught both high school and middle school, then completed my Masters through the BreadLoaf School of English, out of Middlebury College, VT. In between changing diapers, I worked as adjunct faculty for both the University of New Mexico and Western New Mexico University, while also freelancing as both a writer and editor.
As both a parent and an educator, I have been extremely impressed with the caliber of education that Holland Christian offers its students. It’s one of the few places I hear teachers singing praise songs aloud while they walk down the halls, or tell me with great joy, “I can’t believe they pay me to do this!” I love getting pictures in the middle of the day of my kids learning, emailed me from their teachers. As Communications Manager, I am excited to combine two of my loves–Christian education with writing and words–and to share with other parents the joy of seeing what and how their kids are learning about God’s world, and getting to do so in such a rich Christian environment.