Which transportation option do I need?
We’ve compiled a brief overview of what transportation options are available to you based on where you reside in the Holland Area. For more detailed information and to register for transportation see the sections below for more details. If you have any questions please email our Transportation coordinator or call 616.820.2805.
Southside Holland
For families outside of the Holland Public School district who reside south and east of Holland, in Allegan County, including Saugatuck, Hamilton, Overisel, Oakland and need transportation to South Side Elementary, Pine Ridge Elementary, Forest School, the Middle School, or the High School.
For only students in Rose Park Spanish Immersion Program there is a shuttle between the High School and Rose Park.
For Pine Ridge or Forest School students participating in Before/After School Care at South Side there is a shuttle available from Pine Ridge and the Forest School to South Side.
Northside Holland
For families who live on the Northside of Holland and need transportation to Rose Park Elementary, the Middle School, or the High School.
City of Holland Residents
For families who live in the Holland Public School District and need transportation to South Side Elementary, Pine Ridge Elementary, Forest School, the Middle School, or the High School. To qualify for HPS transportation you must live more than 1.25 miles from your elementary school, or more than 1.5 miles from the Middle or High School.
City of Zeeland Residents (9th-12th Grade Only)
For families who reside in the Zeeland School District and would like transportation for their High School Students to Holland Christian.