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High School Boys Soccer

Boys Soccer Team

Coach: Dave DeBoer
HCHS PE teacher
12th year coaching (17th overall)

Coaching soccer allows me to teach, mentor, and encourage student-athletes on and off the soccer field. Our team motto is “Strength in Numbers.”

Varsity Soccer Schedule
Boys varsity soccer team smiling at the camera.
Coach DeBoer standing in front of a soccer goal, smiling at the camera
Boys JV soccer team smiling at the camera.
Coach Johns smiling at the camera.

Junior Varsity
Boys Soccer Team

Coach: Michael Johns
WO resource teacher
5th year coaching (9th overall)

Coaching gives us the ability to teach and show what challenges will arise in life, as well as challenge others to continue our walk in faith while working with future generations.

JV Soccer Schedule

Boys Soccer Team

Coach: Zach Kammeraad
Financial planner for the Kammeraad Financial Group
3rd year coaching (3rd overall)

Being a coach allows me to help my players develop their unique gifts, abilities and talents to ultimately further God’s Kingdom by playing a beautiful game like soccer.

Freshmen Soccer Schedule
Freshman boys soccer team smiling at the camera.
Coach Kammeraad smiling at the camera.

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Athletics Staff

Boys Soccer Photos

Check out boys soccer photos on SmugMug.

Boys Soccer Photos