If you’ve never been to a Holland Christian Maroons game before, we have a few ways to access schedules and a few options for purchasing tickets and passes for the 23-24 athletic year detailed below. Once you secure your tickets, don’t forget to visit our Spirit Shop and grab some HC Apparel.
Athletic Schedules, Tickets, & Passes
It's a beautiful thing to sit in the stands at a Holland Christian sporting event and watch a river of maroon and white milling throughout the stands or field, a tangible sign of our blessed community. This page is for anyone... students--parents--grandparents--alumni--the general community... to access schedules, tickets & passes for all of our athletic teams.
Athletic Schedules, Tickets, & Passes
Holland Christian partners with Eventlink for our middle school and high school team scheduling and digital ticketing. We still accept cash at the gate for individual tickets during the regular season as do most of our opponents. Holland Christian passes are available through Eventlink and accepted at our home events during the regular season (more information below). Our lifetime “Golden Ager” pass is NOT digital and simply needs to be shown at the gate. (It is accepted at both home and away events with more information below.) GoFan is a different digital ticketing provider utilized by the MHSAA for playoff / post season events. In addition, some of our opponents utilize GoFan for their regular season digital tickets. For these situations, GoFan tickets are available on our HC GoFan site.
The following are the three places to access team schedules, digital tickets and digital passes through Eventlink:
1. MaroonsAthletics.org Website
*Schedules – This site links to each middle school and high school athletic schedule. It provides the quickest access to all team event schedules. The specific link to our schedules is maroonsathletics.org/Teams.
*Tickets – While we still accept cash at the gate, individual game tickets can be purchased digitally and sent to your mobile devise to be scanned at the gate. Sports with a gate fee are listed below. The specific link to purchase tickets up to 10 days before an event is maroonsathletics.org/Tickets.
*Passes – Purchasing a “Single Season” or “All Seasons” sports pass (listed below) is an economical way to attend numerous home events for a season or all year long. Your digital sports pass will be sent to your mobile device to be scanned at the gate. If you have an Eventlink account, your passes are housed and available through your account/app. The specific link to purchase passes is maroonsathletics.org/Tickets (click on “Season Passes”). (Middle school families who do not purchase an “All Seasons MS/HS Sports” pass will be offered a complimentary “Single Season MS ONLY Sports” pass during each season they have a MS child participating in a sport with a gate fee.)
2. Eventlink.com Community Account
*Schedules – This free account allows users to select and follow practice calendars and/or game calendars for as many or as few teams as desired to have instant access to event dates, times and locations. Following only the schedules you choose can be especially helpful to parents and grandparents with multiple children on multiple teams.
*Tickets & Passes – After digital tickets or passes are purchased ( at maroonsathletics.org), they are accessible through your Eventlink Account to be scanned at the gate. Family passes include individual passes, which can be sent to student Eventlink accounts so individuals do not need to enter with the family pass purchaser. Individuals can also print their pass or take a picture of their unique QR coded pass to be scanned at the gate.
3. Google Play / Apple App Store Eventlink App
*Schedules, Tickets & Passes – The free app provides users access to their account easily on their mobile device. Chosen schedules/calendars are easy to utilize through the app, but you can also export/sync them with your chosen digital calendar (such as google calendar) through the app. Purchased tickets and passes are easily accessed through the app to be scanned at the gate.
MS/HS Sports with a Gate Fee
- Fall: Football (MS/HS), Boys Soccer (HS), Girls Aquatics (HS) and Girls Volleyball (MS/HS)
- Winter: Boys Basketball (MS/HS), Girls Basketball (MS/HS), Boys/Girls Aquatics (MS) and Boys Aquatics (HS)
- Spring: Boys/Girls Track & Field (MS/HS), Boys Lacrosse (HS), Girls Soccer (HS) and Boys Volleyball (HS)
Whether purchased with cash at the gate, or online through Eventlink, individual high school tickets are $5 for kindergarten through adult (under K are free) per the OK Conference and individual middle school tickets are $3 for adults, $2 for students (under K are free) and $8 max for an immediate household per the WMMSC Conference. (Middle school families who do not purchase an “All Seasons MS/HS Sports” pass will be offered a complimentary “Single Season MS ONLY Sports” pass during each season they have a MS child participating in a sport with a gate fee.)
Single Season and All Seasons Passes
The passes listed below are available for the 2024-25 school year and available for purchase through maroonsathletics.org/Tickets. Passes can be printed or stored digitally in the Eventlink app to be scanned at the event entrance. Children under kindergarten are admitted free to events.
- Individual K-12 Student All Seasons MS/HS Sports Pass: $50
- Individual Adult All Seasons MS/HS Sports Pass: $100
- Family (Immediate Household) All Seasons MS/HS Sports Pass: $300
- Individual (Any Age) Single Season (Fall, Winter OR Spring) MS/HS Sports Pass: $50
- Family (Immediate Household) Single Season (Fall, Winter OR Spring) MS/HS Sports Pass: $150
- Family (Immediate Household) Single Season MS ONLY Sports Pass – Fall: $50, Winter I&II: $50 or Spring: $30
Golden Ager Sports Passes - The best value to stay connected through sports!
- Golden-Ager Passes are available for individuals age 60+ for $125.00. They are good for life and valid at home/away athletic events! There is no need to purchase digital tickets for regular season events with this pass. Pass holders show their physical pass to gate personnel for entry. Golden-Ager Passes are available through the High School office during business hours. These passes make great gifts for grandparents!
Questions about our Athletics Program?
For further information on our Holland Christian Highs School athletic programs, please contact our athletic director, Dave Engbers, at dengbers@hollandchristian.org.