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“I have shifted from pursuing adventures of a lifetime towards a lifetime of just trying to live a little more adventurously every day.” ~Alastair Humphreys

What joy to behold our Forest Kids thriving as they explore, wonder, and connect with God’s creation outdoors. From discovering the beauty of a simple leaf to marveling at the vast sky above, every moment is an opportunity to grow in awe of the Creator and find our place in His story. We are incredibly grateful for the unwavering prayers, love, and support from our dedicated staff and YOU, our families, whose partnership makes this journey of faith and learning possible. Together, we are fostering a love for the world God made, and it’s truly a gift to witness our students flourishing in such a vibrant, hands-on environment.

All joy and wonder,



Wacky Wednesdays

Forest Kids, we have TWO more Wacky Wednesday left:

February 5 – Hat Day
February 12 – PJ Day (Snow day make up!)

Let’s finish strong!

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Spring parent-teacher conferences will be on March 20 and 25. More details and signup information will be coming as we get closer.

Forest Family Night Hike

We hope you can join us for a special evening in the forest with your family from 6-7:30pm on Thursday, February 20! The FS Parent Board has planned a nighttime hike at the FS campus. Families are encouraged to bring headlamps/flashlights and sleds depending on weather conditions. No RSVP necessary for this event.

Swimming Lessons

Our Holland Aquatic Center is providing swim lessons for us again this year! I recognize this program is a little uncomfortable for some children and families especially if it’s new and unfamiliar to you. Because our children are blessed to be raised in Michigan, surrounded by bodies of water, we believe this safety instruction is a blessing that we pray they will never need but feel responsible to equip them. If you find yourself pondering over the “why” of lessons, please take a listen to HC mom Jenny White on the why for swim safetyHCAC Swim School welcome video will help you understand a bit about the logistics. Our 1st-2nd graders will be bused to the pool each day the weeks of March 17-28.

  • 9-10 am: 2nd Grade
  • 10-11 am: 1st Grade

Enrollment for 2025-26

Continuous enrollment begins after kindergarten. As a continuous enrollment school, this means, in an effort to simplify the process for our current K-12 families, you will not need to re-apply every year once your child is in kindergarten. We are happy that you are a part of the Holland Christian family and our hope and plan is that you will continue partnering with us in the years to come! New-to-Holland-Christian families who are interested in enrolling for the 2025-26 school year can do so by applying at on Monday, February 3 starting at 9am.

Illness Reminders

Please remember that we do have a 24-hour policy for any fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. For colds and coughs, please use your discretion as we know these things can linger.


Please call 616.820.3505 or email the school office EVEN IF you have let your student’s teacher know any time before 8:30am to let us know each day your child will be absent. You may leave a voicemail at any time and it will be checked in the morning when the office opens.

Lunar New Year Community Celebration

February 7 from 5-7:30pm at the Holland Fish and Game Club. Join us as we celebrate the Lunar New Year! All are invited to this family-friendly event with cultural activities and food for purchase: Crafts and games, performances, Dragon Dance, red envelope give away and Asian food!

Family Fun Math Night at Hope College

Hope College is hosting a Family Math Fun Festival on Saturday, March 8, 10 am – 12 pm on campus that is free and open to families with children in grades K-8. The festival features a wide variety of interactive low-floor, high-ceiling tasks that will engage families in creative problem solving that won’t even feel like mathematics! They’ll also be giving away goody bags to all participants with math games and other school supplies.

Important Website Links

Upcoming Dates:


  • 3: Preschool and kindergarten 2025-26 application open for new families at 9am
  • 14: No school (teacher professional learning)
  • 17: No school (Presidents Day)


  • 14: End of 3rd quarter
  • 15: Kids stuff resale 9am-12pm @ HCHS
  • 20: Parent-teacher conferences 4-8pm
  • 25: Parent-teacher conferences 4-8pm


  • 4-13:  No school: Spring break
  • 14: School resumes