Thank you to our hard-working parent board, our Forest Kids, you our parents, and our community for the amazing support we celebrated and gave thanks to God for during our 23-24 Walk-A-Thon! We have yet to learn the totals but those dollars contributed will go directly to support our students’ education and creative endeavors. It certainly was a joy to see Forest Kids now mingling and right at home in every grade level K-5th. Our middle school staff has been conferring and collaborating with Mr. Ted from the ODC and members of our Forest staff for more than a year now in preparation for our Forest Kids. While Forest Kids will enjoy being mingled in with all of the other incoming students in sixth grade, they will continue to enjoy the beauty and invigoration of taking their learning into creation with old and new friends alike. I’ll share more details of the upcoming plans over the next several months. Hope to see many of you at the upcoming night hike!
All joy and thanksgiving,

What a beautiful autumn start we have been blessed with. These two little ones are learning the beauty of prayer journaling.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences will take place on Monday, Oct. 16 and Wednesday, Oct. 18. This is a great time to connect with your child’s teacher and discover how the year has begun for your child. You can find all the details on how to sign up in the all-school newsletter emailed to you. Conferences are Monday, Oct. 16 from 4-8pm, and Wednesday, Oct. 18 from noon-4pm (virtual option).
Thank you so much for all your support for our walkathon! We had a great afternoon walking with our friends from Rose Park, South Side, and Pine Ridge as well as our Forest Friends. We are so excited to see how the funds we raised will help with new reading huts, fishing nets, picnic tables, classroom bookshelves, and a “Free Little Library”! So many fun new things coming to Forest School thanks to your help. Thank you!
Picture Retake Day
Retakes for Forest School’s K & 1 will be on October 9. 2nd grade retakes will be taken on November 1 at Pine Ridge. Please remember to bring your picture packet with you to the retakes!
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Pine Ridge this fall. Dates are pending as we finalize the details. Keep your eyes open for an email with signup options to help as well as the hours it will be open soon.
Grandparents & Grandfriends Day
For your planning purposes, Grandparents & Grandfriends Day in our Forest will take place in the spring. More details will be forthcoming as they are available.
Moms in Prayer
September 29 from 8:30-9:30am a group of praying parents will meet in the amphitheater of Forest School to pray over our children, staff and school! You’re invited to join! Come and you are and join us in this ministry! Hope to see many of you there! You may contact Forest Mom, Nicole Shook, at, with any questions you might have.
Our Fall Family Night Hike on October 12!
Let’s have an evening of fun and hiking together at the Outdoor Discovery Center Trails at 4214 56th St. Come and go as you’re able between 6-8pm on October 12. Cider and treats will be available thanks to our parent board!
Our Christian Educator Association conference will take place on October 19 and 20. School will not be in session on those days.
Medication at School
If your child needs to take medication at school, we need an updated form signed by their physician each school year. If you have not done this yet, please do so ASAP. The medication forms can be found on the Medical Information and Forms Page for your convenience. You are welcome to contact our school nurse, Hendrina Cupery who will help you set up a plan for the office to assist in administering the medication. For safety reasons, Holland Christian Schools is not able to dispense any medication (prescription or non-prescription) to our students without a doctor’s order. Thank you!
Please call the school office at 616.820.3505 any time before 8:30am to let us know each day your child will be absent. You may leave a voicemail any time and it will be checked in the morning when the office opens.
Important Website Links
- School calendar
- School Supply Lists
- Hot Lunch Information
- Medical Information & Forms
- School Transportation
- Before & After School Programs
- Elementary Handbook
- PowerSchool
Upcoming Dates:
- 9: Picture Retakes K & 1
- 16: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
- 18: Half day of school: Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 19-20: CEA Convention: No school
- 1: Picture Retakes 2nd grade
- 22-24: No school: Thanksgiving
Community Fall Events
Community Family Fall Event @ the Critter Barn
Holland Christian Youth Volleyball Night!
Kids and families interested in HC volleyball are welcome to join us as we cheer on our HC Varsity volleyball team as they play against Coopersville on Tuesday, October 17, 6pm at HCHS gym. Child gets in free with paid adult or adult sports pass.