Happy New Year, HCHS Families!
Welcome to January and to the season of Epiphany, a time when we give thanks for and revere Jesus’ life, teachings, and declaration of the good news that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt 4:17). This season of the year often sparks an annual hope for new beginnings: gym memberships soar, school tardies decrease, read-the-Bible-in-a-year plans reignite. For Jesus’ early followers, his presence sparked a renewed vigor and hope that inspired a deeper desire to observe the will of God as outlined in the Torah. One aspect of Jesus’ life that is unique is that his followers did not stop going to the gym, showing up to class on time, and reading their daily dose of scripture. Rather, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they continued to fulfill Jesus’ call to go and make disciples of all nations in such a way that would endure more than a hundred years of persecution and become the most extensively observed religion in the world today.
Since the fall of the northern Kingdom of Israel in the 8th century BC and the fall of Jerusalem in the 6th century BC, the Jewish people had been waiting with great anticipation for their Messiah. Many anticipated a militaristic takeover like the temporary victory and autonomy won by the Maccabees around 160 BC. This vision of the kingdom of the heavens, however, greatly contrasted with the teachings of Jesus and the global invitation he cast to the world to enter the narrow gate.
Each year at our annual Christmas concert, our wonderful music directors and student musicians lead the audience in the 16th century hymn, All People That on Earth Do Dwell. In this hymn we sing two verses that help illustrate this tension between what the world desires in a king and Jesus’ invitation to enter the narrow gate:
O enter then his gates with praise.
Approach with joy his courts unto:
Praise, laud, and bless his name always,
For it is seemly so to do.
For why? The Lord our God is good,
His mercy is forever sure
His truth at all times firmly stood
And shall from age to age endure
God’s love for us endures beyond comprehension, and it is our great hope that during this season of Epiphany that our students come to experience and respond to the love Jesus has poured unto them by loving God and their neighbors, beating their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Isaiah 2:4). Thank you for your partnership in forming the next generation of resilient followers of Jesus in a world so in need of goodness, mercy, and truth.
With Thanks,
General Information
First Semester Exams
- Students are not required to be at school unless they have an exam.
- Students will not be allowed to take exams until all detentions have been served, and will not receive credit for first semester courses until exams are taken.
- All lunch account negative balances must be paid before exams may be taken.
- All books must be returned and fines paid in the Media Center before exams may be taken.
- All students should check with the bus driver to find out the bus schedule for exam week.
Exam Schedule
- Tuesday, January 14, 2025
- 8:45-10:15am 1st-hour exam
- 10:30am-12:00pm 2nd-hour exam -Tech Center required. Students may leave 2nd hour exam when finished; Tech will be notified that you may be late.
- Wednesday, January 15
- 8:45-10:15am 3rd-hour exam
- 10:30am-12:00pm 4th-hour exam – Tech Center required
- Thursday, January 16
- 8:45-10:15am 5th-hour exam
- 10:30am-12:00pm 6th-hour exam – Tech Center required
- Friday, January 17
- 8:45-10:15am 7th-hour exam
- 10:30am-12:00pm Make-up slot – Tech Center required
25-26 Class Signup
Students will be signing up for their 25-26 classes beginning in late January. Students will receive information about course scheduling and registration for next year during Family Flex:
- Current juniors: Wednesday, January 22
- Current sophomores: Monday, January 27
- Current freshman: Wednesday, January 29
All parents are encouraged to discuss with students the opportunities that are available. Current students will submit their course selections online by February 14, 2025. Registration information will be updated on the Registrar page prior to January 22.
Athletic Department
The 2025 CHAMPS Coupon Book is ready for purchase! View a sample of the 2025 CHAMPS Coupon book. In addition to the lakeshore coupons regularly found in the CHAMPS Coupon Book, there are regional and national discounts as well. Each purchased book comes with a free activation code for 12 months of mobile app coupons for the greater Holland area, as well as across the US based on your location. Earn at least your $30 purchase back in only a handful of uses with discounts found in the book and through the mobile app.
CHAMPS Coupon Books are available at Quality Car Wash locations, Russ’ Restaurant locations, Community Restaurant, school offices and Ditto. You can also purchase your CHAMPS Coupon Book through HCS or ZCS TRIP to receive 10% of the book’s cost back on your tuition. 2025 coupons are valid from when the book is purchased through December 31, 2025. The coupon book sale raises significant funds to directly benefit our middle school and high school student-athletes. Thank you for supporting athletics at both Holland Christian and Zeeland Christian Schools through the purchase of a 2025 CHAMPS Coupon Book!
Upcoming Fine Arts Events
Calvin Symposium Worship Service
The HCHS Symphonic Orchestra is excited to have been invited to help lead the opening worship service for the annual conference, the Calvin Symposium on Worship. This is a conference that gathers worshipers from across Canada, the United States, and around the world to learn about worship. The orchestra will take part in the Symposium worship service on Wednesday, February 5 at 1:00 p.m.
Holland Christian Band Extravaganza and Swingin’ the Night Away
Mark your calendars for the HCS 5th – 12th Band Extravaganza Concert on Wednesday, March 19 at 7:00 p.m. at the Jack H. Miller Center for the Musical Arts and for Swingin’ the Night Away on Friday, March 7 at 6:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the HCHS cafeteria!
Living Hope Showcase 2025: Music Through the Decades
SAVE THE DATE! Join the Living Hope Singers on a musical journey through the decades! Showcase 2025 will be held on Friday and Saturday, March 21 & 22 at 7pm in the HCHS Auditorium. Tickets will go on sale in February. Stay tuned for more information!
Counselors Corner
Careerline Tech Center
We will have representatives from the Careerline Tech Center presenting about what the Tech Center has to offer, should students be interested in attending during their junior or senior year, on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. All sophomores and any interested juniors will be able to attend this presentation. More information will be available in the announcements in January. There is also an open house at the Tech Center scheduled for February 4, 2025 from 5:30-7:30 PM.
Seniors & Parents of Seniors
Just a reminder that if you have improved your ACT/SAT scores and would like your intended college/university to have these scores, you must have your updated scores sent directly from your ACT or SAT student account. Your HC transcript does not list or include test scores. If you did not put down the 4 digit codes for the college(s) you wish to receive your test scores when you registered for the SAT/ACT, you can log into your account and request that your new scores be sent. There is a fee to send additional scores.
Likewise, some schools require a mid-year transcript through the Common Application. If your school(s) don’t require this, but you would like to send your updated transcript at the end of semester one, please log in to your Parchment account and request a transcript.
If you have questions, please contact your counselor.
Testing Information
- All 11th grade students will take the SAT during the school day on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Students do not need to register for this test, and there is no cost for students.
- Upcoming SAT test dates are March 8 and May 3. HCHS is a testing site for the May date. Register for the SAT.
- Upcoming ACT test dates are February 8 and April 5. HCHS is a testing site for the February date. Register for the ACT.
- Test Preparation: There are free resources for SAT test preparation. There are also free resources available for ACT test preparation.
Financial Aid
All students seeking financial aid (institution based, state & federal funds) must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online via the FAFSA Website. The FAFSA will be available for you to complete beginning in December. Be sure to check the financial aid link on each college website for specific information on their timelines. For helpful information on the FAFSA, check out this FAFSA Application guide.
The federal student aid estimator can provide you with an estimate of your Student Aid Index (SAI). This index is used by colleges to determine what types of student aid you may receive. Again, the financial aid office of the college(s) you are considering is a great place to start if you have specific FAFSA or financial aid questions.
Throughout the school year, various scholarship opportunities will be posted online through the Counseling Department. A listing of outside scholarships, both regional and national, is updated as we receive notices of scholarship opportunities. Beginning in January and early February, there will be information online about the Community Foundation of Holland/Zeeland scholarships that are open to Holland Christian students, and also internal HC scholarships, which are for full-time Holland Christian students only.
Helpful Resource for Financing College
The MI Student Aid website has helpful information, links, and resources for students and families to use in navigating the college financial aid and scholarship landscape.
The Sallie Mae Paying for College Resource is a helpful destination to guide students and families make a plan to pay for college. The resource is free, easy to use, and includes great information on all the important paying-for-college topics.
College Athletics
If you are considering attending a NCAA Division I or II school, and you hope to compete in athletics, the NCAA Eligiblity Center is an important place to start. It is the responsibility of the student and parents to be familiar with eligibility requirements and course specifics.
If you are considering participating in athletics at the NAIA level, check out the NAIA eligibility center.
Important Dates
- 6: School resumes
- 20: No school, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 14-17: Exams
- 21: Second semester begins
- 27: HS Showcase 2025, 7pm, Doors open 6:30pm RSVP necessary
- 8: Parent Sponsored Winterfest Dance
- 14: No school (Professional development)
- 17: No school, Presidents Day