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Dear Parents,

At HCMS, we are deeply committed to nurturing an environment where our students not only thrive academically but also grow into compassionate and empathetic individuals. Recently, we held a chapel on March 6 under the theme “Cultivating Christian Community,” aiming to instill vital values essential for shaping the character of our children and preparing them to be positive contributors to society.

The chapel comprised three significant parts: The Significance of the Image of God, The Significance of Words, and The Significance of Repentance and Forgiveness, each taught by dedicated members of our staff: Mr. Russ, Mr. Strikwerda, and Mr. Colago, respectively. During and after the chapel, students engaged by taking notes and reflecting on the lessons taught through two guiding questions:

  • What was something you heard or learned from this part that stands out to you?
  • What is something you can do at school to apply what you learned today?

Here’s a summary of the insights gleaned by the students from each part:

The Significance of the Image of God:

  • Remember all people are created in God’s image and they have value.
  • I will not judge someone’s looks or circumstances.
  • I will listen to and not judge people who are different from me.
  • I will include others. I will look around and invite the lonely in.

The Significance of Words:

  • I will choose good friends.
  • I will stand up when I see someone hurt.
  • I will empathize and not laugh at someone’s pain or bad choices.
  • I will go out of my way to care for others.
  • I will respect people’s race and nationality.
  • I will think before I speak, since hurtful words cannot be undone.
  • I will use my words to compliment, encourage and comfort
  • I will not use racial slurs.
  • I will avoid gossip because it breaks trust.
  • I will keep unkind words to myself.

Forgiveness and Repair:

  • We can forgive, because Jesus shows us how.
  • When I hurt someone, I will make it right.
  • I will admit when I have made a mistake. I will seek to reconcile.
  • If I am hurt, I will try to make room for that person to repair. I will practice not holding grudges. I will allow people to grow and change their behavior.

Currently, we are translating these valuable lessons into action by creating a banner to serve as a tangible reminder of the life lessons learned during the chapel. As parents, your role in reinforcing these values at home is invaluable. We urge you to take the time over spring break and beyond to emphasize compassion, empathy, and forgiveness in your interactions with your children. Your influence plays a pivotal role in shaping their character and instilling these principles in their hearts.

Together, we can empower our children to become agents of positive change in our community and beyond, spreading love and kindness wherever they go. Thank you for your partnership in nurturing the next generation of compassionate leaders.


Tom Strikwerda

April at HCMS

Pedestrian Safety

It’s spring! And with warmer weather and more morning light, more Holland Christian students are walking and biking to school—which is wonderful! However, it also brings concerns for safety, especially in the mornings while driving parents and older siblings often seem rushed and distracted. Please be conscious of student pedestrians and cyclists while driving to school, and please speak with older students who are dropping off siblings or friends in particular at Holland Christian Middle School and Pine Ridge. Both of these schools have crosswalks leading to school, HCMS with Ottawa Ave. and Pine Ridge with Graafschaap and 40th. It is Michigan law that vehicles stop for pedestrians in these crosswalks. Failure to stop can result in a ticket, but hopefully a more important deterrent is the safety of all of our students!

Save the Date!

You are cordially invited to our Grandparents/Grandfriends Day celebration on Friday, May 10 from 1:30-2:30pm.

South Africa Trip 3.0

Holland Christian Middle School is inviting eight incoming 7th and 8th graders to a kingdom encounter in South Africa October 17- October 28 (Note: we had the incorrect dates last month). The vision of this trip is to raise up a generation of servant leaders to have a deeper understanding and knowledge of the Father, and to provide a process for students to make His heart known.

While staying abroad students will explore cross-cultural service, spiritual disciplines, and encounter our Father’s Kingdom heart. They will find a new rhythm to life that allows them to connect with God and focus on life outside of themselves. Students will be immersed in cultures, communities, and livelihoods very different from the ones they are used to living in. They will work alongside young children at Ocean View Care Center, dwell with residents who live in the townships, and help with the homeless ministries. Every interaction is an opportunity for intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth and development. Learning becomes alive as they explore life’s big questions in the light of God’s truth, their purpose, and how to live out the Great Commission. There will be a parent informational meeting on Thursday, April 18 at 7pm in the media center. South Africa Application will be due by Wednesday, April 26 if you would like your son or daughter to be considered for the trip. The following forms also need to be filled out by April 26 if you would like to be considered for financial aid: Recommendation form for financial aid and financial aid form. We are blessed to have enough available staff this year that we are not in need of chaperones.

Athletic Physical Night

Although it is preferred for athletes to obtain a sports physical from their primary care physician, we realize this is not always possible due to insurance restrictions and the MHSAA requirement for a completed physical between April 15, 2024 and the start of a student’s sport for the 2024-25 school year. Therefore, we offer athletic physicals for Holland Christian students each spring.  At the request of the physicians and medical staff who donate their time, the Holland Hospital & Shoreline Orthopedic Sports Medicine Collaborative schools are collectively offering two evenings for all partner schools.  Additional information, including registration for specific time slots and cost, will be coming out soon.  For now, please save the following dates and times for student athletic physicals for the 2024-25 school year:

  • Monday, April 29, 6-8pm at Shoreline Orthopedic
  • Thursday, May 9, 6-8pm at South Washington Clinic

International Student News

The International Club met March 19 and began the afternoon with appetizers after school in the Student Services area and then went to the BAM! Entertainment Center. The group bowled and played foosball and Rain (Tongrui) Yang from China showed the most improvement in his bowling. Mr. DeBlecourt has a breakfast event planned for April. The International Club is open to all students and is a fun way to share and learn culture together. Contact Mr. DeBlecourt if you would like to join.

Important Dates


8: School resumes
18: South Africa informational meeting 7pm HCMS
26: South Africa application/financial aid due
25: MS Choir Concert 7pm @ HCHS


9: Half day (Tulip Time) 11:15am dismissal
10: Grandparents’ Day 1:30-2:30pm
14: Orchestra concert 7pm
15: Convocation 8:45am
16-17: 7th grade camp
27: No school- Memorial Day