Dear Parents/Guardians-
I’m currently in South Africa with 8 of our middle schoolers. What I love about middle schoolers is they are figuring out who they are and whose they are. Going on a trip for 10 days with a group allows me to experience their whole day. I have been blessed by them because of their curiosity, servant hearts, their openness to talk about what’s going on in our lives, and the amount of energy each of them have.
I was blessed by their openness to each share their testimony during our church service on Sunday after they had heard both young and old from the church we were at share their testimony. Each one of our students shared an incredible story.
I have been blessed to see our students love kids who are starving for love at the care center we’ve gone to. A few of the students today talked about how they prayed for the children. One prayed for them to be calmer than yesterday and they were. Another prayed for a restless child to calm down, and after the prayer, she felt the child’s tension disappear. The child then fell asleep in her arms. Every student has played, hugged, and played various games with many of the 90 children in the care center for hours each day.
I was blessed today as our students helped feed people who may only have one nutritious meal a week.
A couple of nights ago we had Rebecca Haig’s uncle Andrew visit us. He works in a prison ministry near where we are so we invited him to talk to us. He told us a lot, including a cool story about an inmate who he worked with who was able to forgive many people because of the scripture Andrew was able to share with him. This taught us the power of knowing scripture so that when you need it it is on the top of your tongue. This is a great reminder for all of us to “Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
As you continue to raise your kids I encourage you to keep teaching your kids the word of God, talking about what God is doing in your life, and asking them what He is doing in their life. My experience with these students this week is that this is what they desire.
Tom Strikwerda, Principal
November at HCMS
End of Quarter 1
The end of Quarter 1 is today, October 27. Quarter grades will be available next week Friday on PowerSchool. This is a great time to check in with your student and see how they are doing in regards to academics. We would also recommend checking Powerschool weekly and discussing with your student(s) how they are doing. Here is a link that shows you how to login to Powerschool.
Food Fight
Every year in the beginning of November, the Middle School participates in a fundraising effort to support food access for area families in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving through Community Action House. We lovingly call this event our Fall Food Fight (6th annual) where Houses compete to collect the most items from the list of needs for that year. Items can be brought to school starting Monday, November 6, ending on Friday, November 17, and dropped off in the Media Center on the table for their House. Please consider with your family if you are able to contribute at this time. Thanks for helping us support and show love to our community!
Items most needed:
- Cans of fruit in 100% juice (peaches, applesauce)
- Cans of beans (black, pinto)
- Cans of tuna/chicken
- Cans of green beans, corn
- Containers of broth (cans, boxes)
- Cooking oil (olive oil)
- Boxed pasta & pasta sides
- Corn masa
- Basmati rice
- Laundry detergent (smaller size preferred)
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Toothbrushes & toothpaste
- Toilet paper
- Baby wipes
- Dish soap
Ski Club
Bittersweet has changed its ski club program for this year, but HCMS still plans to participate. We will have an informational meeting in November with sign-ups following. Keep an eye out for more information in our daily announcements! Thank you for working with us as we learn and navigate a new system.
Important Dates
- 3: Swingin’ the Night Away: MS/HS Jazz Band 6:45-9:00pm
- 22-24: No school, Thanksgiving Break
- 4: MS Band/Orchestra Concert 6pm @ HCHS
- 7: MS Choir Concert 7pm @ HCHS
- 25-Jan. 5: Christmas Vacation
- 8: Resume classes
- 15: No school for MLK Day
- 19: End of Q2/Sem. 1