Dear Parents & Guardians,
I have just returned from an incredible journey to South Africa with a group of our middle school students, Mr. Haig, and Mrs. Smith, and I am thrilled to share some of the life-changing experiences we had together. One of the most impactful individuals we met was Pastor Raymond, who leads an organization called Love in Action. Pastor Raymond cares for the needs of the impoverished in his community. From the moment we arrived, he welcomed us warmly, offering snacks and making each person feel valued. Samara Weller expressed that Pastor Raymond didn’t feel like a stranger; his genuine love and hospitality were immediately evident. Our students had the privilege of working alongside him, preparing and serving over 700 meals for those in need. Together, we peeled pounds of carrots and potatoes and added them to the “big pot,” a large stew to nourish many. As we toured Jim Se Bos, a nearby village facing extreme poverty, our students were struck by the joy of some of the people we met. Henry VanRavenswaay noted that true joy isn’t dependent on wealth but is rooted in God.
Another highlight of our week was serving at a local Care Center, where our students had the opportunity to assist teachers and spend time with the children. They were able to offer extra love and support, which brought noticeable changes in the children’s behavior. Elsa Brouwer shared that although these children had difficult upbringings and some expressed frustration by throwing punches, they quickly warmed up to our students and showed such joy in playing together. Elsa formed a sweet bond with a little girl named Isla, who eventually fell asleep in her arms. Adam VanderMolen shared that the most challenging part of the trip was saying goodbye to the children he had grown to love, including Skye, Israel, and Procee.
We also joined three different churches for worship, each of which gave our students a fresh sense of freedom and joy in their relationship with God. Worship was vibrant, filled with singing, dancing, and heartfelt sharing. Our students even led part of the worship, singing “Firm Foundation” together. In our final service, Mason Mulder and Jada Ronne shared testimonies of gratitude, with Mason recognizing the joy these churches had despite having fewer material things than we do, and Jada was touched by their hospitality, as they welcomed us so warmly and celebrated our group just for being there.
Many of our students came away with invaluable lessons. Stellan Beebe noticed the power of teamwork, which allowed us to accomplish so much, from preparing meals to assisting at the Care Center. Ethan Wigger was in awe of God’s creation, from the tiny sea anemones in the tide pools to the penguins, lizards, whales, and other wildlife. John Steenwyk felt the Holy Spirit guiding him in his interactions with the children at the Care Center, even when it took him outside his comfort zone.
Reflecting on this journey, I am reminded of the importance of helping our young people discover their purpose through service, worship, and experiencing God’s creation. Each evening, we gathered to reflect on our “highs and lows,” and almost every “high” involved moments of serving, worshiping, or marveling at God’s world. These moments brought LOVE, JOY and PEACE to each of us. As we raise the young we need to help them navigate what their purpose is each day and give them opportunities to do what Jesus told us in Mark 12: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength… Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31)
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We look forward to how God will use this experience to deepen our students’ faith and understanding of His love in action here in Holland. We plan on doing the trip again next year. If you would like to know more about the trip for your 7th or 8th grade student or are interested in having them go in October 16-27 please let me know.
Please take a look at some pictures of our trip!
Tom Strikwerda, HCMS Principal
November at HCMS
End of Quarter 1
The end of Quarter 1 was October 22. 1st Quarter grades are available today on PowerSchool. This is a great time to check in with your student, and see how they are doing in regards to academics. We would also recommend logging into Powerschool weekly to check grades and assignments, and discuss with your student(s) how they are doing.
Food Fight
Every year in the beginning of November, the Middle School participates in a fundraising effort to support food access for area families in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving through Community Action House. We lovingly call this event our Fall Food Fight (7th annual), where Houses compete to collect the most items from the list of needs for that year. Items can be brought to school starting Monday, November 11 and ending on Friday, November 22 and dropped off in the Media Center on the table for their House. Please consider with your family if you are able to contribute at this time. Thanks for helping us support and show love to our community!
Items most needed:
- Cans of fruit in 100% juice (peaches, applesauce)
- Cans of beans (black, pinto)
- Cans of tuna/chicken
- Cans of green beans, corn
- Containers of broth (cans, boxes)
- Cooking oil (olive oil)
- Boxed pasta and pasta sides
- Corn masa
- Basmati rice
- Laundry detergent (smaller size preferred)
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Toothbrushes & toothpaste
- Toilet paper
- Baby wipes
- Dish soap
Ski Club
HCMS will be participating in Ski Club with Bittersweet Ski Resort again this year. Information was given to interested students on October 31. Please review the informational sheet and return the forms/money if your student is interested in Ski Club. Forms and money must be returned by November 22 in order to participate this year!
Important Dates
- 1: MS Play Auditions: 7th and 8th Graders
- 8: Swingin’ the Night Away: MS/HS Jazz Band 6:45-9:00pm
- 11: Veterans Day Assembly @ HCHS
- 20: MS watches HCHS matinee performance
- 27-29: No school, Thanksgiving Break
- 3: MS Band/Orchestra Concert 6pm @ HCHS
- 5: MS Choir Concert 7pm @ HCHS
- 23-Jan. 3: Christmas vacation
- 6: Resume classes
- 15: End of Q2/Sem. 1
- 16: Begin Q3/Sem. 2
- 20: No school: MLK Day