As this time of year approaches and we are hit with bunnies, candy, easter baskets and reminders of our broken world, I can rejoice that I am reminded of the great sacrifice that was made by our Lord, Jesus Christ. I hear the story and see the visuals of this act in our classrooms and down the halls. I am grateful and blessed to know that this is where we partner together. We came together as a school and celebrated Ash Wednesday with our Director of Faith Formation, Bryant Russ. We are excitingly preparing for our spring concert where we will praise and worship our Lord together. Thank you for partnering with us as school, home and church come together to teach and grow our community of learners.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Spring parent-teacher conferences will be on March 21 and 25 from 4-8pm. Sign up information went out on February 16. If you need these instructions sent out again, please email the office.
Book Fair at South Side
Swimming Lessons
Holland Christian elementary students have the privilege of receiving swimming lessons each year through the Holland Aquatic Center. These lessons are provided during the school day for 2 weeks. The exact dates vary depending on your child’s class, but will happen in the next few weeks. We recognize that this program could be a little uncomfortable for children. Because our children are blessed to be raised in Michigan, surrounded by bodies of water, we believe this safety instruction is a blessing that we pray they will never need, but that we still feel responsible to equip them with. If you find yourself pondering over the “why” of lessons, please listen to HC mom Jenny White on the why swim safety. This HCAC Swim School welcome video can help you understand a bit about the logistics. Any questions please feel free to contact the Pine Ridge office.
- March 18-29 for Mrs. Ream, Mrs. Hirdes/Mrs. Riemersma, and Mrs. Boer’s classes
- April 22-May 3 for Miss Slenk and Mr. Meyering’s classes
Tulip Time ’24
An email was sent out on February 26 asking for your child’s preference for the Tulip Time parade this year. If you have not already filled it out, please fill out this Tulip Time Survey so we can make sure we are prepared with the correct props.
Spring Program
The South Side, Pine Ridge, and Forest School program will be held on March 14 at 6:30pm at Christ Memorial Church. We are so excited to sing for you and worship with you that evening. Students should dress in nice clothes (something like what they might wear to church).
Young 5s through 5th grade students should arrive between 6:00-6:15. They will meet with their teachers in the lobby, under their teachers name sign. Families will head into the sanctuary to be seated by 6:20.
4th graders should arrive with their recorders.
At the end of the night, students will go back to the same spot where they arrived with their teacher. Parents you will be asked to “check out” with your child’s teacher.
Parent Board
If you did not order a yearbook this fall when pictures were taken, but would like to have one yet, please sign up here.
Running Clubs
TTQ ( Total Trek Quest)
We currently have 10 boys signed up for TTQ but we need at least 2 coaches in order to run a group. If you, a friend, a neighbor, or grandparent has any interest in coaching please please email Kristen Chan or you can call her at 616.250.1041. The program is set to run on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:15 starting March 18. If we do not have coaches, we will not be able to run the program. Thank you for considering this fun volunteer opportunity!
PR Girls’ Run Club
Registration is now open! Please sign up here. A huge thank you to the parents who are coaching this year! Please read this letter for information about the club and to access the links to sign up for the club and the culminating Tulip Time Race. Running starts March 11 and will meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:15pm.
Important Website Links
- 1: Kids’ Stuff Resale
- 14: Spring program
- 17: End of 3rd quarter
- 20: Parent-teacher conferences
- 21: Report cards live online
- 25: Parent-teacher conferences
- 29-April 7: No school: Spring break
- 8: Classes resume
- 26: 4th grade Market Day