The school year is officially underway! I have enjoyed the rejuvenated energy of smiling, laughing and excited children back in the building. Thank you so much for your grace and patience as the start of a year can sometimes be tricky. Our theme this new year is “Seek First” with the verse from Matthew 6:33. In chapel this year we will focus on the HOW when putting God’s plans first seeking Him first allows for our prayers and activities we enjoy to fit so well in our lives. We have started chapel groups this year as well. These groups meet after chapel two times a month and reflect on our chapel teaching. This is one way in which we are working on seeking first God’s ways at school. I hope you can find ways this year to tangibly show your devotion to God in your daily life. I am excited and affirmed that God will and has blessed this 2024-25 school year. May God bless you and keep you always.
In Christ,
Dinah Pereira
What is Walkathon? Walkathon is an HC-wide fundraiser where elementary students walk to raise money for their school. The funds raised by Pine Ridge students go directly to Pine Ridge needs. These needs include classroom supplies, educational outings, and other resources. Parents are welcome to watch the event from the bleachers, while the track is reserved for teachers and students.
Walkathon forms will be sent home in your child’s backpack soon and are due back by Wednesday, September 18. The Walkathon event will take place at 1pm on Wednesday, September 25.
Picture Day
Pine Ridge picture day is September 19. Order forms will sent home with students soon. If your student would like a yearbook in the spring, this will be the time to do that also. Please note that each form is child specific so please make sure each child has their own form. All forms must be turned in regardless of if you choose to order pictures and/or a yearbook.
Grandparent and Grandfriend Day
Save the date: October 10! More details will be coming later this month.
Please call the school office at 616.820.3505 or email us at any time before 8:30am to let us know each day your child will be absent. You may leave a voicemail any time and it will be checked in the morning when the office opens. Please leave any symptoms your sick child may have; this information is a requirement for us to report to the county!
Student Safety
After the school day is underway, all doors will be locked. All students who arrive late for school must notify the school office. This policy also applies to picking a student up from school. Please be sure to inform both your student’s teacher AND the office.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences will be October 17 and 21. More information will be coming later this month.
Food Services
Please remember to keep an eye on your child’s lunch account. If you do NOT have a family portal account set up, you will need your student’s ID number. Please email Sue for your student ID number. There is no fee to deposit money into your child’s account with a debit or credit card.
Pine Ridge Carpool Line Reminders:
- Always use the Graafscaap Road/60th Street entrance and exit.
- Always pull ALL THE WAY up to the bike racks (or the car in front of you).
- Never stop in the traffic circle. This is for buses AND in case of an emergency.
- Parent pickup is in front of school; it is not at the baseball fields
- Please use your hazard lights at pickup and leave them on until your student is in the car
Moms in Prayer
Moms in Prayer is a great way to connect with other moms, pray for your child, and have an impact on the school. Please join us on Fridays, starting September 6th at Providence Church from 8:30-9:30 am. Please email Nicole Shook with questions.
Elementary Handbook
The Elementary Handbook is a great resource for parents providing important details on things like our curriculum, discipline policy, etc.
Important Website Links
- 2: No school: Labor Day
- 3: School resumes
- 19: School pictures
- 25: Walkathon
- 10: Grandparent & Grandfriend Day
- 17: Parent-teacher conferences
- 21: Parent-teacher conferences
- 23: No school: Professional development
- 24-25: No school: CEA Convention