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What a wonderful start to the 23-24 school year it had been! There are many great things happening each day at Pine Ridge: community kickball, spelling, mapping with math, reading in the sunshine, and of course, pizza day smiles and all the cheers that can be heard at lunchtime! We are blessed to have each family at Pine Ridge this year. It is an honor to serve with an amazing group of teachers and staff who love kids and love Jesus. As our theme this year displays, Jesus wanted all to come to him, but the children held a special place.

Mrs. Dinah Pereira
Principal, Pine Ridge


P.R. Expectations

We are excited to be starting year two of our P.R. expectations. If this is new to you, let me share that these come from a tiered system called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Last year a team of teachers and support from our ISD helped us figure out how to best communicate the expectations that school has to students and families. We came up with three expectations that students are taught how to live out in each of our common areas in our school, on the bus, and even off campus. We are always working to live in community with each other and part of that is having expectations that we all know, trust, and can refer to when needed. In line with the “PR” of Pine Ridge, we have 3 more “PR’s” that kids are taught and refer to throughout the year. They are:

  • Practice Respect
  • Practice Responsibility
  • Practice Relationships.

These are woven throughout our discipleship practices as well as being a Christ follower at the center of it all. Ask your kiddo about these and the celebrations that we get to enjoy when we are all loving each other and loving God.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Monday, October 16, 4-8pm in person
Wednesday, October 18, noon-4pm (virtual) with a half day of school

To make your PT Conference reservations, please follow the instructions in the all-school October Newsletter email.

Parent-Teacher Conferences Meal

Parent Board would like to provide a meal for our teachers on Monday, October 16 during Parent-Teacher Conferences. If you would be willing to help, please sign up here.

Walkathon – THANK YOU!

Thank you so much for your support for the walkathon! We were able to raise a significant amount of funds that will help add a few upgrades to our playground; plus, we can’t wait to see the projects that come out of our new kiln! The kids had such a great time walking and moving together. It was a fantastic afternoon together as an entire preK-8th grade event!

Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Pine Ridge this fall. Dates are pending as we finalize the details. Keep your eyes open for an email with signup options to help as well as the hours it will be open soon.

Picture Re-Takes Day

Pine Ridge picture retakes will be on November 1. Please make sure to send your student’s original picture packet with them.

Grandparents & Grandfriends Day

Grandparents & Grandfriends Day at Pine Ridge will be October 12. Grandparents & grandfriends are welcome to join us at 1pm in the Pine Ridge Gym for a small program and then will move into visiting their grandchild’s classroom. 

Carpool Line

Thank you for working with us to keep the drop-off and pickup safe and efficient. Please remember:

  • Enter/exit off of Graafschap Road
  • No stopping in the circle at any time as it is a bus lane but also a fire lane!
  • Pull ALL THE WAY up to the bike racks for both drop-off and pickup

Office Contact Information

If you need to get in touch with the office, please email Cara Karasiewicz & Kristi Washburn at or call 616.820.3505. Feel free to leave a voicemail or send us an email at any time to excuse your student, let us know about appointments or any changes to your student’s normal pickup routine. It is important the office knows as well as your student’s teacher! Also, when excusing for illness please let us know the symptoms of your child. We need this information to report to the health department.


PowerSchool is our student information database. You will want to bookmark this site! There is also an app available for PowerSchool for your phone which can be very helpful. PowerSchool parent information, including passwords and usernames, are emailed to parents at the beginning of the year or provided to you upon enrollment if you enroll mid-year. If there is a change in your phone number or address at any time during the school year, it is important that we are informed right away. Please email us any changes that need to be made or if you have any questions.

Important Website Links



  • 12: Grandparents & Grandfriends Day
  • 16: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
  • 16-18: Scholastic Book Fair
  • 18: Half day: Parent-Teacher Conferences 12-4pm
  • 19-20: No school: CEA Convention
  • 30: Hearing & vision testing


  • 1: Hearing & vision testing and picture retakes
  • 22-24: No school: Thanksgiving