Dear Rose Park Friends,
Our corner of the world in West Michigan is exploding with new life and we’re blessed to be in the midst of all this bounty in Creation. When we slow our busyness and join children in viewing our world from their perspective, the intricacies of the mini miracles all around us abound. Children are experts at wondering when they’re gifted with time to wander. I encourage you to wander in creation this spring with your child. Listen to their questions. Absorb their enthusiasm. Notice the world as they see it. Allow God to speak to your heart and to your child’s heart by simply enjoying his presence and each other in the midst of springtime beauty.
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the LORD has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.”
Job 12: 7-10
Yours in Christ’s service,
Katelyn and Miska
Family Farm Fest THANK YOU
Teacher Appreciation Week
We so much appreciate our amazing Rose Park teachers, and want to celebrate them and all the hard work they do each day for our children! One way to say thanks to them is by remembering that Teacher Appreciation Week May is May 6-10. If you need some ideas for how to celebrate your child’s teacher(s), here is a handy list of our staff’s Favorite Things!
Tulip Time
On Thursday, May 9, our 1st-4th graders will participate in the Tulip Time Kinderparade. We will have a normal school schedule in the morning. Preschoolers will be dismissed at their normal time (11:15am) with no afternoon enrichment. Kindergarten and 5th graders will be dismissed at 11:30am. Students in grades 1-4 will remain at school until we load the buses to head to the parade route. They will eat lunch at school before heading to the parade. There will be no hot lunch.
An information sheet and pick up slip was sent home with your child. Please return this slip to your child’s teacher ASAP. Thank you.
Kindergarten Visit Day
On Friday, May 17, we will be welcoming our newest group of kindergarteners to Rose Park for a visit! The incoming kindergartners and their parents will meet at Rose Park from 9-10am. Families who enrolled should have received an email with more details.
Yearbook Orders
Our 22-23 yearbooks will be distributed the last week of school to those who ordered them last fall during our school picture days. If you would still like to order a yearbook, you may order it through Geskus.
Rose Park Lost & Found
Please take a minute to look our Lost & Found photo album to see if any of these items belong to your student. Feel free to email the office to claim your items and we will make sure to get it in your student’s backpack. Otherwise these items will be donated soon!
Hot Lunch
View the full Holland Christian calendar
- 2: 5th Grade Parent Night at Holland Christian Middle School: 6:15pm for Spanish Immersion families and 6:45-7:30pm for all families
- 9: 1/2 day Tulip Time Parade. Kindergarten and 5th grades dismiss at 11:30am
- 14: 4th-12th grade Orchestra Concert 7pm
- 17: Rose Park Kindergarten Visit Day from 9-10am
- 22: 4th grade Plant Sale 7:30am-noon
- 27: No school: Memorial Day
- 28: Rose Park Field Day
- 5: 1/2 day: Last day of school: Preschool graduation at 10am, all school final chapel at 10:45am