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Dear Rose Park Families,

You may have read a bit about our Parent University evening of learning and dialogue. We’ve been researching and learning a good deal about both the blessing and the curse that technology has introduced into our lives over the past decade. Mr. John Barkel, principal at Iroquois in Grand Rapids Christian, Mrs. Tricia Kiepert, principal at Hudsonville Christian and Mrs. Betsy Koop, principal at Zeeland Christian and I have developed a friendship in the work of serving schools over the years. Collectively we’ve served teachers, staff and communities for long enough to have noticed a change in communication patterns. There is a trend in our nation that shows the duration of an average teacher’s career is much shorter than in years past. We want to buck this trend in our schools and create a warm community for teachers to flourish. When a teacher grows in his or her craft, children and families and the school benefits.

We believe you, our parents, can help in support of our teachers and it involves the change digital communication has introduced into the role and responsibilities our teachers hold. Our teachers deeply love their students. They desire to serve God with their best by loving and skillfully growing the children God has placed in their lives. But even the most passionate servant needs the God-ordained Sabbath in life to restore and continue to serve with their best. As their principal, I have made a commitment to our staff to refrain from messaging in the evening hours and on weekends as much as possible. My hope is teachers can use after-school time to plan, investigate data from the classroom, collaborate, research and rest with their family! Could you help in this regard as well? If you have logistical questions, feel free to message our office at We’ll be happy to assist you. If you have wonders, needs or feedback for your teacher, could you also send messages to our teachers during business hours? Together, we can give our teachers all-important margins and allow them to flourish with our children.

With thanks,



Conferences: Thank you!

Thank you to each family that took the time to come for parent-teacher conferences. It was a great time to have a conversation about your student and how we can work together. We love watching our students thrive and partnering with you is one of the best ways to do it, so thank you!

Teacher Dinners: Thank You!

A sincere thank you to the Parent Board, and many of you, for bringing in delicious food to refuel teachers during parent/teacher conferences. The meals were greatly enjoyed and appreciated!

Thanksgiving Break

There will be no school Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29 so families can celebrate Thanksgiving. Enjoy this special time together as a family celebrating our great God, and the many blessings in our lives.

Hot Lunch Menu

November Hot Lunch Menu

Lost and Found

Please take a look at our Lost and Found collection as it has grown exponentially!

Important Website Links

Upcoming Dates:


  • 27-29: No school: Thanksgiving break