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Rose Park Elementary

Welcome to Rose Park Christian School! Our preschool through 5th grade students spend their days learning about and discovering God’s faithfulness in our world and in our lives.

Using our Biblical and Reformed lens, we understand that God is in all things. Colossians 1:16-17 (NIV) says, “For in him all things were created…all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Therefore, no matter what we study, we do not impose God upon what we are learning, but we expose God who is already in whatever we are learning. All that students explore and experience point to our good, good Father alongside the mentorship and intentional design of our teachers and staff.

Our highly-trained teachers are blessed to partner with parents in loving and shaping the hearts, minds and lives of the children placed in their care. Teachers know their learners, address areas of need effectively and genuinely celebrate successes in all areas of the whole child: spiritual growth, academic gains, social development and physical accomplishments. And we do it in both English and Spanish!

Miska Rynsburger
Rose Park Principal

¡¡¡Bienvenidos a la escuela cristiana de Rose Park!!! Nuestros alumnos de preescolar a quinto grado pasan sus días aprendiendo y descubriendo la fidelidad de Dios en nuestro mundo y sus vidas.

Usando una vista bíblica y reformada, entendemos que Dios está en todas las cosas. Colosenses 1:16-17 dice, “Porque en él fueron creadas todas las cosas, las que hay en los cielos y las que hay en la tierra, visibles e invisibles;… Y él es antes de todas las cosas, y todas las cosas en él subsisten.” Así que, no importa que estudiamos, llamamos nuestra atención a lo queDIOS ya ha hecho en todo.

Mientras miras los fotos y páginas en este sitio, vas a encontrar que es nuestro humilde honor orar con y por cada nino, de ser compañeros con padres, y caminar con una mano en el de tu hijo/a y el otro en el de Dios, mientras crecemos, desarrollamos y aprendemos juntos. Todo lo que nuestros alumnos descubren y experimentan señala a nuestro buen, buen padre en concuerda con la enseñanza intencional de cada maestro y adulto.

Miska Rynsburger
Rose Park Directora

Rose Park Elementary

Principal Miska Rynsburger
556 Butternut Dr.
Holland, MI 49424
Phone: 616.820.4055

Rose Park Staff

Quick Links

View this month’s lunch menu. More information about our Food Services program can be found on the Food Services Page.

Learn more about our school policies, student expectations, extra curriculars, and other general information.

A collection of online resources for student reference as well as information about our physical Media Center Spaces.

Spanish Immersion prepares students for the kind of world in which they live, able to interact and collaborate with a variety of people.

Read the Rose Park monthly newsletter to find out all the things and all the dates– what you need to know about what’s happening this month.

A list of all the items by grade level each student should bring to school either on the first day of school or to the ice cream social in August.

The Rose Park Ranch

Rose Park’s Ranch has been an incredible outdoor, hands-on learning opportunity for Rose Park students in so many ways. The ranch includes a small barn with two miniature goats named Rosie and Parker, and a handful of delightful, cuddly chickens. Rose Park classes take turns feeding and caring for the animals and cleaning the barn, as well as growing vegetables in the greenhouse. “A child is brought to life when they care for an animal,” Miska says. “It makes school an invigorating place for students to come.”


Rose Park Schedule

On half days, Rose Park preschool ends at 11:15am, and K-5 finish at 11:30am. You may contact the Rose Park office for a detailed version of your student's schedule.
Student Drop-off7:55am - 8:10am
First Bell8:10am
Full Day Dismissal3:15pm

Have Questions?

We look forward to meeting you and your family and introducing you to the fresh, creative, personalized education at Holland Christian! We are here to help! Get in touch using the contact form linked below or call us at 616.820.2805.

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