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Did you know? Each year we take lots of photos of wonderful things going on at HC, and many of them are housed on our HC SmugMug page at, also linked at the bottom of each HC webpage under “Photos.” Each athletic team has at least one event photographed by a professional photographer, Brenda Brewer, who also shares a variety of HC athletic events on her professional SmugMug bkBrewer. Many classroom teachers store their photos on Holland Christian’s SmugMug page so that parents can see periodically what their students are doing and learning throughout the day. Plus it can be a fun walk down memory lane, of when your kids and their friends were much younger!

Did you know that students remember better what they learned when they are asked about it specifically at home? Check it out and see what your kids doing at school for 7+ hours a day, and then please ask them what they were doing and thinking in the photos you saw!

You are welcome to purchase and download any photos for a very small fee.