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One of my favorite roles at South Side is our recess “yellow vest.” “Yellow vest” is the name for the adult who is outside with the students to supervise recess. It comes from the bright yellow vest we wear to be visible to anyone who needs help. We highly value recess time at South Side. All of our students, from preschool up through 2nd grade get a morning recess, a lunch recess, and an afternoon recess. It is more than just a well-deserved break after learning time–for our young learners recess is learning through play.

During recess, students are learning to think creatively–using logs and sand to build towers or playground equipment transformed into a fort. They are problem-solving–finding a yellow ball they can use for a flag in a football game. They are practicing community building–hanging out with someone on our buddy bench or inviting another to join the game. They are strengthening big muscles–jumping and climbing and running. They are learning to serve others–helping a friend who fell or letting someone else pick the activity. And as it turns out, when they come back in from recess, their brains are clear and focused, ready to do even more learning during math or reading or science time.

Christy Haig


Picture Retakes

Picture retakes are this coming Wednesday, November 1, right away in the morning. If you are choosing to have retakes, please return your picture packet back to school with your child, and email your child’s teacher to let them know that you want your child to have picture retakes. If your child was sick on picture day, or is a new transfer student, this is the time to have their picture taken.

Thank You!

A sincere thank you to the Parent Board, and many of you, for bringing in delicious food to refuel teachers during parent/teacher conferences. The meal was greatly enjoyed and appreciated!

Also, thank you for taking the time to come out and meet with your child(ren)’s teacher(s). These conversations are so valuable as we partner together to continue our mission of equipping minds and nurturing hearts to transform the world for Jesus Christ.

From the Parent Board

November is our MONTH OF THANKS! Keep your eye out for an email with more details from the South Side/Pine Ridge office and consider blessing our teachers and staff! Remember, cards and small tokens of appreciation go a long way. Thank you for your support of those who care for our kiddos!

Thank you for signing up to bring meals for conferences. Stay tuned for more opportunities to volunteer coming up in December!

Mark your calendars for the Book Fair coming to Pine Ridge December 4-8.

Children’s Advocacy Center Visit

This November, the Children’s Advocacy Center will be doing a presentation about body safety in our kindergarten-2nd grade classrooms in November. Please check out this Children’s Advocacy Center handout for more information. You are welcome to attend the presentation with your child! Please contact the South Side office by calling 616.820.3535 or emailing Rachel to receive the date and time of the presentation for your child’s class, and to let us know that you plan to attend.

Lost and Found

The office is continuing to update our South Side Lost and Found Photo Album as items come into the gray tub in the office. Please check it out to see if any of these items belong to your child. Feel free to email the secretary, Rachel, to claim your item(s), and we will be sure to get it in your child’s backpack.

Thanksgiving Break

There will be no school Wednesday, November 22-Friday, November 24 so families can celebrate Thanksgiving. Enjoy this special time together as a family celebrating our great God, and the many blessings in our lives.

Illness Reminders

Please remember that we do have a 24-hour policy for any fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. For colds and coughs, please use your discretion as we know these things can linger.

Important Website Links

Upcoming Dates


  • 1: Picture retakes 8:30am
  • 22-24: No school: Thanksgiving break


  • 25-January 5: No school: Christmas Break


  • 8: School resumes