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Holland Christian Sports camps are a fun, social way to try out and practice some favorite sports over the summer. All are coached by our HCS coaches along with HCHS athletes, creating positive community at the same time as growing new skills. Just a few details about all the camps listed below:

  • Camp grades in the description are for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Camps run Monday-Thursday unless otherwise specified.
  • Prices vary, depending on the length of each camp.
  • All camps are located at the Holland Christian Schools campus block, but are specified which area.
  • Early bird registration lasts until two weeks before each camp’s starting date. If you register after that point, the price of the camp jumps and t-shirts are unavailable for those registered.
  • You are also welcome to cancel at any point; however, there are no refunds after the early bird registration date.

2024 Summer Camp Overview

This table provides a searchable and filterable overview of the Summer Camps that are available this year. when you're ready Register for Summer 2024 Sports Camps on Active.
June 6-8Boys7-8Football(Th-Sa) 3:30pm - 6pm$63HS Stadium06.06PMMSJune 3Football
June 6-8Boys3-6Football(Th-Sa) 1pm - 3pm$53HS Stadium06.06PMElem,MSJune 3Football
June 3-13Girls7-124v4 Soccer(M,W,Th) 6pm - 7:30pm$62Middle School06.03PMMS,HSJune 3Soccer
June 3-13Boys7-124v4 Soccer(M,W,Th) 7:30pm - 9pm$62Middle School06.03PMMS,HSJune 3Soccer
June 10-13Boys3-5Basketball(M-Th) 8:30am - 11am$78HS Gym06.10AMElemJune 10Basketball
June 10-13Boys6-8Basketball(M-Th) 12:30pm - 3pm$78HS Gym06.10PMMSJune 10Basketball
June 10-12Boys9-12Football(M-W) 6pm - 9pm$50HS Stadium06.10PMHSJune 10Football
June 10-13BoysK-2Football, Lego, & Basketball(M-Th) 9:30am - 12:30pm$87HS Gym06.10AMElemJune 10Football
June 10-13Girls1-3Softball(M-Th) 9am - 10:30am$53HS Softball Field06.10AMElemJune 10Softball
June 10-13Girls4-6Softball(M-Th) 11am - 12:30pm$53HS Softball Field06.10AMElem,MSJune 10Softball
June 10-13Girls7-9Softball(M-Th) 1pm - 3pm$66HS Softball06.10PMMS,HSJune 10Softball
June 11 - August 8Coed6-8ETS Performance Strength & Conditioning (Session F)(Tu,Th) 12pm - 1pm$75HS Weight Room06.11PMMSJune 10Conditioning
June 11 - August 8Coed6-8ETS Performance Strength & Conditioning (Session E)(Tu,Th) 11am - 12pm$75HS Weight Room06.11AMMSJune 10Conditioning
June 10 - August 8Coed9-12ETS Performance Strength & Conditioning (Session D)(M,Tu,Th) 9:30am - 11am$140HS Weight Room06.10AMHSJune 10Conditioning
June 10 - August 8Coed9-12ETS Performance Strength & Conditioning (Session C)(M,Tu,Th) 8:30am - 10am$140HS Weight Room06.10AMHSJune 10Conditioning
June 10 - August 8Coed9-12ETS Performance Strength & Conditioning (Session B)(M,Tu,Th) 7:30am - 9am$140HS Weight Room06.10AMHSJune 10Conditioning
June 10 - August 8Coed9-12ETS Performance Strength & Conditioning (Session A)(M,Tu,Th) 6:30am - 8am$140HS Weight Room06.10AMHSJune 10Conditioning
June 12-14Boys9-12Basketball(W-F) 3:30pm - 5:30pm53HS Gym06.12PMHSJune 10Basketball
June 17-20Girls3-5Basketball(M-Th) 10am - 12pm$66HS Gym06.17AMElemJune 17Basketball
June 17-20Coed4-5Running(M-Th) 9:30am - 11am$53Middle School06.17AMElemJune 17Running
June 17-20Girls9-12Basketball(M-Th) 2:30pm - 4:30pm$30HS Gym06.17PMHSJune 17Basketball
June 17-20Girls6-8Basketball(M-Th) 12:30pm - 2:30pm$66HS Gym06.17PMMSJune 17Basketball
June 17-20GirlsK-2Basketball(M-Th) 8am - 9:30am$53HS Gym06.17AMElemJune 17Basketball
June 24-26BoysK-2Baseball(M-W) 9am - 10:30am$40HS Baseball Field06.24AMElemJune 24Baseball
June 24-26Boys6-8Baseball(M-W) 1pm - 3pm$53HS Baseball Field06.24PMMSJune 24Baseball
June 24-26Boys3-5Baseball(M-W) 11am - 12:30pm$40HS Baseball Field06.24AMElemJune 24Baseball
June 24-27CoedK-2Volleyball(M-Th) 10:30am - 12pm$53HS Gym06.24AMElemJune 24Volleyball
June 24-27Coed3-5Volleyball(M-Th) 12:30pm - 2pm$53HS Gym06.24PMElemJune 24Volleyball
June 24-27Coed9-12Volleyball(M-Th) 2:15pm - 4:15pm$66HS Gym06.24PMHSJune 24Volleyball
June 24-27Coed6-8Volleyball(M-Th) 8:30am - 10:30am$66HS Gym06.24AMMSJune 24Volleyball
July 15-18Coed4-8Golf(M-Th) 9am - 11am$70Winding Creek Golf Club07.15AMElem,MSJuly 15Golf
July 15-18Coed6-8Tennis(M-Th) 4:30pm - 6pm$53HS Tennis Courts07.15PMMSJuly 15Tennis
July 15-18Coed3-5Tennis(M-Th) 3pm - 4:15pm$45HS Tennis Courts07.15PMElemJuly 15Tennis
July 22-25Girls9-12Soccer(M-Th) 6pm - 8:30pm$78Middle School07.22PMHSJuly 22Soccer
July 22-25Boys9-12Soccer(M-Th) 6pm - 8:30pm$78Middle School07.22PMHSJuly 22Soccer
July 22-25Girls6-8Soccer(M-Th) 1pm - 3pm$66Middle School07.22PMMSJuly 22Soccer
July 22-25Boys6-8Soccer(M-Th) 1pm - 3pm$66Middle School07.22PMMSJuly 22Soccer
July 22-25GirlsK-2Soccer(M-Th) 9am - 10am$37Middle School07.22AMElemJuly 22Soccer
June 27Boys6-8Baseball Elite1pm - 4pm$45HS Baseball Field06.27PMMSJune 24Baseball
June 27Boys2-5Baseball Elite9am - Noon$45HS Baseball Field06.27AMElemJune 24Baseball
July 22-25BoysK-2Soccer(M-Th) 9am - 10am$37Middle School07.22AMElemJuly 22Soccer
July 22-25Girls3-5Soccer(M-Th) 10:30am - 12pm$53Middle School07.22AMElemJuly 22Soccer
July 22-25Boys3-5Soccer(M-Th) 10:30am - 12pm$53Middle School07.22AMElemJuly 22Soccer
September 7-13GirlsP-6Cheer Clinic(F-Sa) 9am - 11:30am$25HS Gym09.07AMElem,MSSeptember 7Cheer

Have Questions?

We are here to help! Contact our athletic director, Dave Engbers, at 616.820.2914 or with any questions.

Register for Summer Sports Camp