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HC Stories

Holland Christian is more than just a building, it's a community made up of many people, each with a different background and a unique story.

We want to give our community the opportunity to share their stories. Whether it’s heartfelt, humorous, or contains any instance of divine inspiration the story of how you came to Holland Christian has the potential to encourage and inspire others as we walk through life together.

HC Stories

Geenen Family

"One thing we have said from the very beginning of our journey at HC is that in our ever changing world...we are incredibly grateful our kids will experience these changes while being in a Christian setting surrounded by teachers who are rooted in their faith."

VanderWoude Family

VanderWoude Family

“I always have looked up to Ben and his faith, and it’s just so ingrained in him because of Holland Christian--the things that he knew and how he knew the Bible and knew his faith was so different from mine."

Klipp Lopez Family

"Through our experiences at Holland Christian, we have seen our children grow in their faith, ask questions, and develop self-confidence. Just the other day our daughter, Anaiah, was retelling anecdotes that her teacher had told her about how God answered her prayers..."

The Dirkse family posing for a family photo in the snow.

Dirkse Family

"When the time came to decide whether we would continue on the homeschool journey or enroll the children full time, Holland Christian met all of our kids' individual needs and they were all eager to return to full time school."

The VanHorn family posing for a family photo at the zoo.

VanHorn Family

Bill and Goldie Van Horn had never planned on moving to Holland, Michigan—much less placing their kids at Holland Christian Schools, a school they had never heard of. But when Bill's company offered to relocate him to Holland, MI, they visited Holland and it was love at first sight

Luke Bushouse

Read the speech that Luke Bushouse '24 wrote and delivered at the 2023 HC Business & Industry Drive to Holland local business leaders.

Slenk Family

Four generations of the Slenk Family have been enrolled through Holland Christian.

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We look forward to meeting you and your family and introducing you to the fresh, creative, personalized education at Holland Christian! We are here to help! Get in touch using the contact form linked below or call us at 616.820.2805.

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