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Dear Rose Park Friends,

It is with loads of joy and fanfare that we say “welcome back to school”! Well, almost. 🙂 Our faculty and staff have been busy preparing, relaxing and praying in advance of this coming school year and for your child. The launching of a new school year brings hope, excitement and always just a good bit of nerves. We pray God blesses each dear child and family with a smooth transition from home to school. We are blessed to be called to help you in that process. Please see the dates and details below as we walk together toward the first day of school!

Our theme this year is Seek First! My prayer is as we unpack this challenge together, we might be encouraged to peel away all that causes divides and fissures between us in life this side of heaven. May we Seek First the Kingdom of God. All the rest that might otherwise pull at our attentions, emotions and distraction, will fall away. Our identity is in Christ and Christ alone. Join us in the work of seeking First the Kingdom of God and building our lives on Him.

Yours in partnership,

Katelyn & Miska


Class Lists & School Supplies

We are so excited to welcome your child back to school! Below you will find the links for class lists and school supply lists per class and/or grade level.

Parent Information Nights

This will be a night where just parents come to meet with your child’s classroom teacher. You’ll be able to ask more detailed questions about your child’s school and classroom experience.

  • 3s/4s Preschool Parents: Tuesday, August 15 @ 6:30pm
  • Y5 – 5th grade Parents: Thursday, August 22 @ 6:30pm

Ice Cream Social

Thursday, August 15th 6-7pm: This is an evening where all preschool-5th graders come together with their families and walk through their classrooms, meet their teacher, find their lockers–all the fun things about starting a new school year! Once your family has had a chance to do that, then everyone gets to head out to the playground to enjoy ice cream  and have fellowship as a school community.

First Day of School

Our first day of school is a full day, Tuesday, August 20. The day begins in the classroom at 8:15. Dismissal will be at 3:10

Before & After School Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures

We ask that you adhere to the following traffic policies for Drop-Off and Pick-Up as specified. We appreciate your cooperation and doing your part to keep our children entering and exiting school safely each day! We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to ask any questions as we build this safe system for our children together.

Food Services

Family portal accounts will be ready to receive deposits on Monday, August 14. If you do NOT have a family portal account set up, you will need your student’s ID number. Please email Sue for your student ID number. There is no fee to deposit money into your child’s account with a debit or credit card.

Enrollment/Medical Paperwork 24-25

All students entering preschool, kindergarten, and new transfers have a variety of paperwork that needs to be filled out and turned in by August 1, 2024!

Please be sure your child entering these grades is up to date on all immunizations, and if you are pursuing an immunization waiver through your county health department, please call them for an appointment ASAP as appointments fill up quickly, and it needs to be done before attending the first day of school. If you have any questions, please email us!

Waiver Information:

If your child is a new student coming to HC from a different school district, your old waiver is invalid and you will need to schedule an appointment.

If your child with a waiver is returning to Holland Christian for the 24-25 school year and moving from:

  • 3s preschool to 4s preschool: Current waiver on file is good unless you have chosen to complete a vaccine series during the year that was waived on the waiver.
  • 3s/4s preschool to Young 5s: New waiver needed; schedule an appointment.
  • 4s preschool to kindergarten: New waiver needed; schedule an appointment.
  • Young 5s to kindergarten: Current waiver on file is good unless you have chosen to complete a vaccine series during the year that was waived on the waiver.

Contact the Pine Ridge school office if you have any questions at 616.820.3505 or email us.

Medications at School

If your child needs to take medication at school–either prescription or over the counter (including inhalers!)–we need an updated form signed by their physician each school year. If you have not done this yet, please do so ASAP so it is ready by the first day of school. The necessary form is on our Medical Information & Forms page.

If you have questions, you may also contact Holland Christian’s school nurse, Hendrina Cupery ( She will help you set up a plan for the office to assist in administering the medication. For safety reasons, Holland Christian Schools is not able to dispense any medication to our students without a doctor’s order. Thank you!

Picture Day

For those of you really planning ahead, Rose Park picture day is September 11-12. Once order forms are received from GPI they will be sent home with students. If you are ordering a yearbook this will be the time to do that also.


Please call the school office at 616.820.4055 or email us any time before 8:30 am to let us know each day your child will be absent. You may leave a voicemail any time and it will be checked in the morning when the office opens. Please leave any symptoms your sick child may have; this information is a requirement for us to report to the county!


Busing is available for some students needing transportation to and from Forest School or Pine Ridge. For complete busing details and to register, please visit our Transportation page.

Student Safety

After the school day is underway, all doors will be locked. All students who arrive late for school must notify the school office. This policy also applies to picking a student up from school. Please be sure to inform both your student’s teacher AND the office.


PowerSchool is our student information database. You will want to bookmark this site! There is also an app available for PowerSchool for your phone which can be very helpful. If there is a change in your phone number or address any time during the school year, it is important that we are informed right away. Parents can update their information on PowerSchool directly on the Demographics Change tab. This assures up-to-date contact information for your child.

You must update your demographic information in PowerSchool each fall with your latest and most accurate contact information. Simply log in, then either an “update demographic screen” will automatically pop up, or simply click the “change demographics” button on the left of the screen. This information is necessary for field trip participation, emergency response and treatment, student photo permission, and for the office to easily be able to contact a parent or guardian as needed or desired. When listing your child’s emergency contacts, please be sure to list two contacts other than yourself.

Elementary Handbook

The Elementary Handbook is a great resource for parents providing important details on things like our curriculum, discipline policy, etc.

Important Website Links

Upcoming Dates:

View the full Holland Christian calendar


  • 15: Ice Cream Social @ 6:00pm
  • 20: 1st day of school
  • 22: Parent Information Night 6:30pm
  • 28: All School Convocation
  • 30: No School: Labor Day


  • 2: No school Labor Day
  • 25: Walkathon